To make a quiet and humble Lenten offering to the parish simply place it in the candle box, collection tray, or please contact:
Fr. Paul Girgis
Juliana Agoritsas:
You may make your donation “in memory of”, “for the health of”, or “prayers for”.
Basic Church-life Needs
A very natural and loving manner in which Orthodox Christians can participate in the life of the Church is by simply providing even the most basic items. If we provide our own home with the necessities, how much more should we take care that the House of God is properly supplied? This is not to replace monetary stewardship but rather a beautiful opportunity to keep The House of God, in all aspects of our life, the top priority. Please consider, the next time you are buying for yourself, to also buy for God’s house:
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (for altar) On-going
- Lighters (Long-neck BBQ) On-going
- Incense $40/lb (Please contact Fr. Paul first)