Dear St. Paul Family,
Christ is in our midst!
A hallmark characteristic of the Orthodox Christian faith “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) is to faithfully receive and preserve the “good things” of the past and build upon them for the sake of the salvation of future generations. Our beloved parish is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year!
The 25th Anniversary Committee is hard at work organizing a beautiful “Celebration Weekend”. Please mark your calendars for January 21 & 22, 2023 to join us in “Honoring Our Past and Building For Our Future”! His Grace Bishop +NICHOLAS will be with us all weekend. Additional details forthcoming!
We are deeply grateful for the sacrificial Stewardship of the Founding Clergy and Families of our parish. They generously poured-out their time, talent, and treasure to establish an Orthodox Christian Community under the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Our parish sprang from humble beginnings worshiping in a converted house to building our beautifully adorned Temple to the Most High God. As we embark on the future, our parish has an incredibly vibrant and warm energy. With God’s help, our blossoming Pan-Orthodox community promises a rich and lively future.
The original converted house our Founders used can be likened to the Pavilion we have today. Both provided the opportunity for Worship and Fellowship until they were outgrown. In the same way our “house-community” was called to build a large Temple, our “pavilion-community” is called to build a large and beautiful Fellowship Hall today. Due to our tremendous growth, we have exhausted our ability to effectively continue our Parish Life and her ministries.
We are called to build a Fellowship Hall to honor our past, to feed and spiritually nourish souls of all ages – especially the youth – and to ensure our parish has a future. This will be our generation’s legacy to the history of our parish AND HOLY ORTHODOXY in SWFL.
In recognition of the Silver Anniversary of St. Paul Orthodox Christian Church in Naples, and for the spiritual security of our youth and their future in the Holy Orthodox Church, we ask you to prayerfully consider an offering which honors this Silver Anniversary and adds to the Fellowship Hall Building Fund. No donation is too large or too small. Like the poor widow in the Gospel that our Savior praised, give what you are able.
We are preparing a Booklet to be distributed at the Anniversary Dinner Gala in which all individuals and families who contribute will be named – no dollar amounts will be shown. Please make your offering via check or electronically below and indicate on the memo line “25th Anniversary Donation” by December 25, 2022 to honor this momentous occasion and answer the call to build our future.
We thank you for your consideration and look forward to celebrating the 25th Anniversary with our St. Paul Family.
+Fr. Paul and the 25th Anniversary Committee
Please note: We have reached max capacity for the St. Paul 25th Anniversary Gala on Jan. 21. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, email svetlanarealtyllc@gmail.com
His Eminence Met. +ANTONIOS will join His Grace Bishop +NICHOLAS and the rest of us in celebrating our 25th Anniversary! On Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023 Orthros – 8:30AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy – 9:30AM. Our 25th Anniversary Celebration Fellowship Luncheon immediately following Catered by Moura’s Lebanese Bistroy ($20/person, 12 & under FREE).
Tickets will be available to purchase after liturgy or online. To purchase a Luncheon ticket online select below “Give to 25th Anniversary Sunday Luncheon Tickets” .