Dear brothers and sisters of St. Paul,
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
It has been brought to our attention that several of our parking lot lights are in need of repair. This greatly concerned us, and the entire Parish Council, considering we had all new bulbs installed just over one (1) year ago. In order to avoid throwing more money at outdated technology, which is rather wasteful, it was recommended that we convert our parking lot lights to LED’s.

As you may already know, LED’s are much less expensive to operate, much more efficient, and longer lasting. This is a top priority because, without adequate and efficient lighting, our parking lot becomes significantly less safe.
The cost to convert the seven (7) light poles to LED’s is $10,000.
We ask that you consider giving generously towards this effort in order that our parking area be maintained in a safe and secure manner.
If you prefer to donate online, simply go here or visit our website, scroll to the bottom, and select “Donate”.
May it be blessed.
In the risen Lord,
+Fr. Paul Girgis
Presiding Priest
Elias Hebeka
Parish Council Chair