People often ask after their visit to Saint Paul how they can help. Over the years we have received so much support from people who truly wish that the Orthodox Faith take root in Naples Florida. For this we are tremendously grateful! We ask that you too might consider being part of efforts by doing the following:
Worship With Us – whether you are a parish member or even an occasional visitor, you are part of our parish family, and when you pray with us you help to strengthen and encourage us.
Spread the Word – tell your family and friends and about Saint Paul Orthodox Church and invite them to come and visit us. A personal invitation is the number one way the Church grows. Tell a friend to “Come and see!”
Pledge Your Support – you can help us grow by pledging your financial support. Even if you are not a full-time or even part-time member, your financial assistance can help make a difference. Our parish has many ministries that are steadily growing and they are always in need of more resources and certainly, our church temple is a beautiful and lasting testimony to the generous donations of our members and supporters.
Pray For Us – remember us in your prayers, asking that the Lord strengthen, help, and direct us according to His divine will.
As people join the St. Paul family, they come from various backgrounds and religious experiences. Because of that, some may be unfamiliar with pledging in the manner practiced at St. Paul parish. This will hopefully clarify that issue.
A pledge is simply a commitment that families make each year to their parish. The commitment is in 3 parts: an amount of money promised to be given during the year, an amount of time promised to work on parish activities, and the use of specific talents with which you have been blessed to aid the parish. The pledge of these quantities is documented on a Pledge Card each year that is submitted to the church.
There are several important reasons to commit to and fulfill a pledge. The first is very straightforward – each year the parish council must make a budget for the coming year to be presented and approved at the General Parish Meeting. The pledges received serve as the primary source of income planning. As the ministries and expenses of the parish are enabled by the parish giving, the pledges form the basis of planning for parish activities in the coming year.
The second, and perhaps most important reason to pledge, is concerned with the individual. Giving, like attendance at the divine services, is an important aspect to our worship as Orthodox Christians. Should we miss a liturgy, our church family will take note and lovingly wonder why we weren’t there. In the same way, the Pledge Card serves to solidify our financial and time commitments and aids us as a reminder should we slow down in fulfilling our promised giving.
The third and last reason to pledge is that it forces us to address this important facet of worship in a disciplined and thoughtful manner. As in every other aspect of life, when we promise something and fulfill it, we grow as individuals. Likewise, when we make promises to God – and fulfill them- we grow our faith and our confidence before God. We intuitively know the truth of St. James: “Faith without works is dead.” God honors promises made and kept.
If you would like to make a donation by check please make your checks payable: Saint Paul Orthodox Church.
Saint Paul Orthodox Church
2425 Rivers Road
Naples, FL 34120