2019 Founders’ Weekend
Joined by His Grace Bishop +NICHOLAS
of Miami and the Southeast

Over 170 faithful and clergy were in attendance at the Divine Liturgy Sunday, which we “Live Streamed” on the parish Facebook page via “Facebook Live”.
You can check it out right HERE.
The Founders’ Day Brunch at Quail Creek was meticulously planned and very enjoyable with 120 adults and children in attendance.

Founders’ Day Brunch at Quail Creek (120 in attendance)
By the grace of God, we raised $10,725 through the parish “Angel Letter” Fundraiser. Thank you to all who participated in this opportunity to give alms. May God remember your generosity.

Archangel Gabriel from the icon of the Annunciation at St. Paul Church in Naples

Reader Peter Girgis was our faithful chanter for the Divine Services throughout Founders’ Weekend

Great Entrance during the Divine Liturgy, where we remember so many of our loved ones both living and departed

Memorial Service for all the departed Founders of St. Paul in Naples

Thank you to all the faithful for your organizing and planning, chanting, serving, offering, and beautifying. Through your prayers, commitment, and hard work, the 2019 Founders’ Weekend was a success.
Forgiveness Vespers
(Cheese-fare Sunday)
Sunday – March 10, 2019
Enjoy Fellowship & Refreshments in the Pavilion but return to the church for Forgiveness Vespers at about 12PM.
At Forgiveness Vespers on the eve of Great Lent we hear the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness and enter the Lenten season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14).

Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Paradise
On this last Sunday before Great Lent, the last day Orthodox Christians eat dairy products until PASCHA, the Church remembers the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. God commanded them to fast from the fruit of a tree (Gen. 2:16), but they did not obey. In this way Adam and Eve and their descendants became heirs of death and corruption.
Great Lent is about our return to Paradise.
Click the Image below for the full schedule
Spiritual Saturday – Join us!
March 16, 2019
[Last day to register is Sunday – March 10]
Special Reflection by
Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Shaheen
“Reflections on PASCHA”


Learn more about the “Triumph of Orthodoxy” HERE.
Pan-Orthodox Akathist Service
& Open Forum
Friday – March 29, 2019

Time Change
Sunday – March 10, 2017 @ 2:00AM

We “spring forward” into Daylight Saving Time this weekend. Be sure to set your clocks ahead on Saturday evening, March 9, so that you are not late for services on Sunday morning.